My blog is actually just halfway through my journey and i am already back in singapore. School has started and it is doing everything it can to keep me busy. Nonetheless, this blog is still always in the back of my mind and i want to complete this!! So lets begin!!
I left off my last post when i was in dalat where i met 2 ladies who were going to get married. The wedding was 2 weeks away so i decided to move on to other places first. Next stop. Boun Ma Tout.
Back on the disgusted minibus again! This time round, the driver thought he was a F1 driver. He was going 90km/hour while doing mountain bends!! The rear of the van literally turned into a puke factory!!
I was starved by the time i reached Boun Ma Tout and i immediately went in search for food with my backpack still with me! Turns out BMT is a pretty small town and is very unlike the other modern cities i have been before.Nem Ran. "Wrap your own rice paper meal"
Plus i had a bowl of steaming Bun.Pronounced "boon". Like thick beehoon in singapore.
Dropped my bag at a cheap guesthouse and off i go wandering off again armed with nothing but my courage. I knew there was a decent waterfall around the area and i gave myself a challenge to take the public transport there.Hm..Dray Sap waterfall.... Which bus to take?
I went to the "bus stop" and turned to a guy. "Dray Sap??" and he looked at me with a puzzled face. I repeated a few other times and he still didnt get it. Disappointed, i went to take a sit at the "bus stop".
Beside me was a girl who gave me a smile and said "blah blah blah blah dray sap blah blah blah" *blah=unknown vietnamese word.
YES!!! finally!! so she started to talk and motion to me, apparently trying to tell me which bus to take. I told her i did not understand what she said and she ask me to sit down and wait. I patiently did and when a bus came forward, she pulled me up the bus. She is very very chatty. And even though 95% of the time, we didnt understand each other, she still kept talking!! Maybe cause i kept nodding my head in agreement that she took it that i understood her. With my mere knowledge of vietnamese, i managed to got her name. Duyen is a 23 year old student and she is going from school back home in the village. The water fall i wanted to go is near her village. So with her help, she told me where to drop off and where to take the return bus back. Thanks alot!! before she left, she even send me an sms! In VIETNAMESE!! oh well, i will get my friend to translate for me when i get to the next city. Meet Duyen!
The waterfall.
Damm good fruits with ice and milk while waiting for my return bus.
I had to wait a longggggg time before my bus finally came. Unlike singapore where we have ezlink and just tap when boarding. Buses over there are manned by a bus attendant. The fare would be based on where you tell the attendant you are going. Thankfully for me, i was on the same bus and the attendant girl recognise me from all the commotion i was causing on the way there!
She flashed me a big wide grin and i slip her my fare for my ticket!
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