We have the whole morning to ourselves before leaving for Alishan(阿里山) at noon. So we decided to walked around and see what this lake has to offer. We chanced upon this electric bicycle booth the night before and decided to pick up 1 for each of us.(NT500/3 hours). A useful practice for us before riding an actual scooter in Green Island. The girls initially had some problems controlling the bicycle but after a little practice, they were as good as professionals and start to complain how slow it is -_-"'
Me and my ride
Audrey speeding down the lane
She needs to stop to pose properly
Island inhabitants
I(tried) mount the camera on the bicycle
This place isn't populated by tourist, so get there before it changes
The beauty of mother nature
I am happy when i eat
So is amelia
There are several stop points scattered around the area where you could rent or exchange your bicycle for a fully charged one free of charge.
"Go that way to see the giant lake monster, it ate my friend just now!" O_O
Great place, great company what more could i ask for
We rode for about 3 hours and passed by rice terrace and many farmers home
There are actually many ways to tour area the area which include walking, round trip bus, the ubiquitous boat ride and of course electric bicycle. They are great methods and each offers a totally different experience. Don't miss this place out in Taiwan.
After our ride, we pack our stuff and took the same Green Bus back to the train station. Next destination, ALISHAN!Farewell gift
Train station
Get here if you want to go Sun Moon Lake
Our trains stops at Chiayi and were immediately greeted by touts offering transport to anywhere near. The moment they know we are going to Alishan, they quickly pulled us along with them. We had missed the only train up to Alishan that day and came an hour after the last bus up left. So we had to find other means to get up there. An old lady claiming to be official tour operator(she had a tag) offer us 1200NT/3person up to Alishan. We have heard stories where passenger sometimes were left halfway in no where and were extorted for more money. We didnt want to become a victim of it. I went to a 7-11 nearby and chatted with the store attendant a little and found out that a taxi ride up would cost 2000NT. Immediately the 1200NT offer sounds too dubious. The old lady kept hanging around us and we couldn't shake her off at all. We even wanted to run in 3 different directions on the count of 3 so that we can get away from her but decided that would be too crazy, it was a fun idea though. In the end, we got amelia to walk away to a taxi away from the touts while me and audrey distract her. We were quoted 1800NT by a middle aged man with a smiled benignly. He saw the old lady chasing after us and knew exactly what was happening. He quickly helped us with our bags and drove off.
5 "A" for choosing the right taxi:
1) Avoid bug-liked pestering touts with a super good offer
2) Ask locals who you know isnt involved in the business(7-11 attendant in my case)
3) Analyse the situation and make a decision
4) Abandon your Tout in a swift manner
5) Ascertain your driver. decorations of religious items or family pictures in vehicle is a good indicator. Also look into the eyes, more often than not, they tell you everything you need to know. The journey up is a winding 4hours elevation in thick fog
The fog is so bad the visibility is only about 5meters.
On the journey up, we were telling the driver about where we come from and our journey the last few days. We kept conversing with him, partly to keep him awake. We dont want him driving us down a cliff. Minutes passed and the sky darkened as the sun began to set. We came to a dark and lifeless Alishan. Not quite the atmosphere we had expected since this is a popular tourist spot in Taiwan. We went to the Catholic(1800NT/room) hostel which was the cheapest listed in LP and booked our room for the night. We dropped our bags and went around looking for food.
Our home for the night
Everything was closed, and we were the only people around.
13 degrees Celcius!! We didn't expect this temperature
We walked for about 10 minutes and we saw lights in the fog!! We were starved and all the hostel had was cup noodles so we ran towards it and guess what we found. A whole area crowded with steamboat shops!! We picked one that was slightly more expensive than the rest but have a very cosy cottage ambience. We wanted to treat ourselves to a good meal(280NT) after the run. At this place, we met the funny owner who we saw running up and down every 10mins or so. The steamboat we were using were aerosol canned operated and they would generally last for about 30mins or so. He told us that everytime the flame goes out, customers would always try to reignite it and the moment he hears the clicking sound of the steamboat, he would run up and changed it for them. His run is actually more like sprinting up the stairs. I pity him running up and down so many times so after his 2nd change for us, i decided to not click the ignition and went to change the can myself(i saw where he keeps them ). This place does serve good food and the decors are one of the best i have seen
Stairs leading to the 2nd floor seat area
Bears need food too
Alishan Shan Re Chu (Alishan Sunrise) Restaurant
Food galore!
The food not only looks good, they taste good too
Our food platter for 1
Set for 1 person(not bad for 280NT)
Table full of food
Audrey couldnt finish her food and decided to make fried tang hoon. What a waste!
We left the place feeling satisfied
We had to wake up early the next morning to catch the train for Sunset viewing. This is the main reason anybody would come up to Alishan and we couldnt leave without it. Our hostel person was saying we need abit of luck to see it because the weather is foggy these few days. No matter what, we are still going to hope for the best.
That's pretty cool. To able to travel ard. Living life to e fullest. =)
yeah life is short, the last thing we should do is waste every single day of it :D
sun moon lake!!!!
i LOVE there!
such a nice post!!!
btw, i REALLY want to buy a scooter!!!
i think its time you buy a scooter, so you can ride me around taipei :D
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