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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A New Beginning

The End of a Beginning or The Beginning of an End?
In the language of english, there is a “Full stop” to signify an end which other than the very last 1 leads to another beginning. In the language of chinese, there is a “ju hao” to close a sentense. In life there are many ends and beginnings as well anddeadend3.jpgdeadend3.jpg all these are signified by the very decisions we make.
The very action of starting a blog is in fact both a ending of a beginning and a beginning of an end together. It spells the end of my procrastination which began far too long ago and kickstarted my passion for writing and my daily intake of life(whichever ends first).
This blog is not meant for anybody in particular nor hidden from anyone the same. However if you somehow come across it, i would like to know who you are.

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